Message from our President

As President of WWGA, it is my honor on behalf of the Board of Directors to welcome you to the WWGA’s website.

We hope you will explore the information provided about our great Association including our history, Women’s Western Junior and Amateur Championships, and past tournament results. Also, please explore the information on the Women’s Western Golf Foundation

The Women’s Western boasts a proud tradition of attracting the finest amateurs in women’s golf, both nationally and internationally. These women represent all that is great in our sport. Many of these players have gone on to succeed in the LPGA as well. 

Our two 2025 national championships are just a few months away. The 98th Women’s Western Junior Championship will be played in June at Maketewah Country Club (Cincinnati, OH). Red Run Golf Club (Royal Oak, MI) will host the 125th Women’s Western Amateur Championship this July.

Our board is extremely grateful to the clubs who host our championships each year. They, along with the many supporters of WWGA, allow us to provide quality playing opportunities and recognition for the best amateurs in women’s golf. 

We look forward to continuing to build on this legacy in the coming years. 

Please feel free to contact me with questions.

Sincerely, Susan Buchanan 

2025 Officers and Board of Directors

President Susan Buchanan

First Vice President Leslie Spears

Second Vice President Georgianne Koch

Third Vice President Lana Gray

Recording Secretary Janice Kimpel

Treasurer Ruth Murphy


Georgianne Koch
Michelle Kryscio
Spot Lawler
Page Marsh
Sharon Miller
Elsie Nemeth
Betty Roska 
Kim Schriver
Barbara Smith
Patricia Stahl
Chonghee Suh
Courtney Trimble
Debbie VanSistine
Susan Wagner
Ali Walton
Marla Jemsek Weeks
Patricia Williams
Patti Zeeman
Deborah Zopel

Louise Allard
Judy Anderson
Marilyn Balous
Judy Bell
Jill Carlson  
Claire Carruth
Cathy Chandler 
Lisa Ciskowski
Robin W. Donnelley
Cece Durbin
Tricia Elmer
Tina Favia
Linda Gilley
Jen Gowen
Lana Gray
Mary Hafeman
Kimberly Holzberger
Dorothy Jiganti
Margaret Jones

Associate Directors

Phyllis Lynch Ashenden
Kay Chase
Charlotte Delaney
Julie Fox
Sandra Fullmer
Nancy Guthrie
Marcia Luigs
Ellen Meister
Nancy Suberg
Cynthia Willis

WWGA - WGA Liaisons

Madison Banas
Sally White

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