A national organization the foundation has granted over $5.25 million dollars to over 755 scholars in 45 states

Scholarship Information

Download 2025 Infosheet

Scholarship FAQ

When can I apply for next year?

The 2025 application should be available online from November 1, 2024 at 8am ET

What is the deadline for submission?

All applications and supporting documents should be completed and submitted by March 7th. 2025

When will I know if I was awarded?

The Women’s Western Golf Foundation Committee will make all decisions in April 2025.

What are the eligibility requirements?

To be eligible to apply for a Women's Western Scholarship, applicants must be a woman high school senior and meet the following requirements:

  • Active participant in the sport of golf (golf ability is not a criterion for selection)

  • Have a 3.5 GPA or above on a 4.0 scale

  • Demonstrate outstanding character, integrity and leadership

  • Require financial assistance to attend a four year college in the U.S.A.

What is the value of the scholarship?

The Women's Western Scholarships is valued at $20,000 and will be payable over four years of undergraduate studies.

How many scholarships are awarded?

This year, up to 20 outstanding young women will be awarded scholarships.

What documentation should I prepare to submit?

The following documents can be uploaded directly to your application, mailed or emailed in:

  • Personal Essay: Two page, double-spaced, typed essay to help the committee become better acquainted with you. Your essay should include:

    • Personal background

    • Your involvement in golf

    • Your qualifications for the Women’s Western Golf Foundation Scholarship

    • The field of study you are interested in

    • Four-year colleges you are interested in attending in the United States

  • 1040 Form for 2022 and 2023

  • 2025-26 FASFA

  • Write a statement concerning the financial condition of your family and how you intend to finance your college education (no more than 200 words, typed)

The following documents MUST be mailed or emailed in:

  • High School Evaluation Form (this can be downloaded during application process to print and give to your counselor or person designated by the principal to complete and send in along with your official transcript and a letter of recommendation).

  • Letter of recommendation from a non-relative who knows you best (i.e. community leader, golf coach, teacher, etc.).

History of a Life-Changing Opportunity

The Women’s Western Golf Foundation was established in 1971 by the Women’s Western Golf Association and is committed to increasing participation of women in golf and dedicated to providing Women’s Western Golf Foundation Scholarships to worthy and deserving undergraduate women.

In 1971 the WWGF charitable trust was formed to receive and distribute funds to advance women in scholastic achievement and intercollegiate golf programs by:

  • Granting academic scholarships to worthy and deserving women students who also have an involvement in the sport of golf. Skill or excellence in the sport is not a criterion.

  • Providing financial assistance to universities & colleges with inadequately funded women's golf programs.

There are no paid members on the Foundation Board. Virtually all dollars contributed are distributed to colleges and universities in the form of individual scholarship payments or women's golf team grants. WWGF individual scholarships are in the amount of $5,000 per year, renewable for four years.

The Women's Western Golf Foundation holds a Determination Letter from the Internal Revenue Service recognizing it as a tax-exempt charitable trust; consequently contributions to the Foundation are deductible for federal income tax purposes.

The Foundation is an outgrowth of the Women's Western Golf Association. Its primary sources of income have been contributions by Association members, proceeds from golf clubs and groups participating in an annual Foundation Scholarship Day, proceeds from the WWGA tournaments, and individual donations from friends and benefactors.

About The WWGA

Founded in 1901 under the sponsorship of the Western Golf Association, the Women's Western Golf Association has been conducting national championships for 123 years.

  • 1901 - First amateur championship was played, and has been held without interruption since.

  • 1903 - Membership was originally limited to clubs within 500 miles of Chicago, west of the Allegheny Mountains. Thus the name "Women's Western."

  • 1907 - Membership grew to 33 clubs in five Midwestern states.

  • 1920 - The WWGA Junior Championship was introduced.

  • 1920s - Derby Medal Invitational inaugurated and held through 1941.

  • 1930 - Women's Western Open was established. It was considered a major championship in women's professional golf until it was discontinued in 1967.

  • 1971 - The Women's Western Golf Foundation was formed.

  • 1979 - The WWGA Senior Championship was established.

  • 2000 - Represented by member clubs across the United States, the WWGA embraces thousands of women nationwide.

The Women's Western Golf Association is one of the oldest and most revered organizations in the United States. Eighty dedicated Directors from across the country volunteer their time and talent to running the not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. There are no paid Directors on the Board.