Women’s Western Golf Foundation
Celebrating 53 Years - 1971–2024
A Message From Cathy Chandler
Foundation Chairman
The Woman’s Western Golf Foundation is an outgrowth of the Women’s Western Golf Association. It’s primary source of income or contributions from golf clubs and groups participating in Foundation Scholarship Days, WWGA directors, golf associations, friends of the WWGA and benefactors.
The WWGF will no longer hold a National Competition for WWGA Member Clubs. However, it is our sincere hope that Member Clubs will continue to participate in a Scholarship Day event at their home club.
Each year, up to 20 scholarships are awarded to deserving young women. There are presently 75 WWGF Scholars receiving grants. The $20,000 ( $5,000 a year) scholarship grants are able to continue as long as the Foundations academic and financial requirements are met.
The WWGF also partners with the Western Golf Association‘s Evans Scholars Foundation annually to support a joint WWGF/WGAESF scholarship. Recipients meet the criteria of both programs
You can be a positive force in helping the growth of young women in education and golf through your financial support of the WWGF.
Thank you to those who have contributed in the past! We hope you will continue to support. For those have not yet donated please consider a gift to help deserving young woman make her educational dreams come true.
WWGF’s Purpose
The Foundation is a National Organization formed in 1971. It is committed to increasing participation of women in golf and dedicated to raising funds to provide academic scholarships to worthy and deserving undergraduate women and assisting inadequately funded college women’s golf programs by:
granting academic scholarships to worthy and deserving young women students who play the game of golf. Skill or excellence in the sport is not a criterion.
providing financial assistance to universities & colleges with inadequately funded women's golf programs.
There are no paid members on the Foundation Board. Virtually all dollars contributed are distributed to colleges and universities in the form of individual scholarship payments or women's golf team grants. WWGF individual scholarships are in the amount of $5,000 per year, renewable for four years.
The Women's Western Golf Foundation holds a Determination Letter from the Internal Revenue Service recognizing it as a tax-exempt charitable trust; all contributions to the Foundation are tax deductible.
The Foundation is an outgrowth of the Women's Western Golf Association. Its primary sources of income have been contributions by Association members, proceeds from golf clubs and groups participating in the annual Foundation Scholarship Day event, proceeds from the WWGA Tournaments, and individual donations from friends and benefactors.
The Foundation is a tax-exempt Charitable Trust, all contributions are tax deductible.
Memorial and Honor fund
The Trustees gratefully acknowledge those who generously donate to the Foundation. Gifts commemorating family, friends, and other special occasions are acknowledged to whomever the donor chooses – all gifts are confirmed to the donor.
Thank you for your support!
WWGF/Evans Scholars
Each year, one woman caddie who has been selected to receive an Evans Scholarship at one of the 21 universities where the Evans Scholars Foundation owns a Scholarship House, is also selected to receive a WWGF Scholarship.
Recipients of this scholarship must meet the criteria of both scholarship programs. To date, there have been 16 recipients.
Annual Scholarship Day
To benefit the many outstanding young women who receive our scholarships, clubs can now choose a day, at their convenience, to be designated as a WWGF Scholarship Day.
Club members can donate and participate in a one-day 18-hole / 9-hole low net competition, designate one of your WWGA Low Net Pin Days to support the scholarship effort, or on one day make donations for each birdie or par during a round.